The Making of a Travel Nurse Contract

Posted April 26, 2021

The making of a travel nurse contract is quite the process. At PRN Healthcare, there are many departments and hands involved. Our team works diligently to ensure the process is smooth for the candidate at every stage. Many do not get to see the behind-the-scenes “making of a contract”. We want to give you a sneak peek at what goes on! Let’s walk through how a contract is brought to life…


Recruiters make sure that you’re getting what you want out of a travel nursing contract. These things include location, salary, and housing. etc. The recruiter communicates your job wants and desires to our account manager. The account manager then hunts down the best opportunity for you.

Here are some of the recruiter’s responsibilities to get your future contract moving…

Recruiters for travel contracts
  • Interviews candidate
  • Assigns edocs and skills checklist
  • Checks candidate’s references
  • Verifies candidate’s license
  • Generates pay quotes
  • Gathers candidate’s credentials
  • Creates the candidate’s profile
  • Gathers housing preferences from the candidate
  • Sends the candidate a “letter of commitment” to sign


Once the recruiter finishes the initial pieces above, it’s time for our account manager to take over! The account manager begins to search to find you the ideal position. They reach out to their contacts at area hospitals and are prepared to seal the deal for you!

Account Manager for travel contracts

Here are some of the account manager’s responsibilities to ensure they lock in your ideal position…

  • Submits candidate’s profile to hospitals and facilities
  • Markets candidate to hiring managers at facilities and hospitals
  • Reaches out to hospitals and facilities to lockin best position for the candidate
  • Gets the candidate a job offer!
Contract Infographic

Retention Specialist

Your position is found and you want to move forward, great! Our retention specialist steps in to assist with the next phase of the contract journey. She’ll type out all the details of your contract and is here to answer your contract questions. The retention specialist will go through a phone orientation with you to discuss PRN Healthcare’s expectations, contract specifics, and timesheet details. If you decide to take our insurance benefit, she’ll also make sure that you are set up with that as well. You can think of our retention specialist as your contract tour guide.

Retention Specialist for travel contracts

Here are some of the retention specialist’s responsibilities to make sure you are ready for your next adventure…

  • Types out the contract
  • Gets candidate set up with health insurance
  • Phone orientation with the candidate
  • Sets up weekly deposits and pay
  • Sends contract to candidate to sign

Credentialing Specialist

The credentialing specialist is here to make sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed! They also ensure that your necessary hiring documents are set.

Here are some of the credentialing specialist’s responsibilities to make sure all the necessary pieces of the puzzle are completed before your contract begins…

  • Receives a checklist from the facility on what is needed for the candidate to complete prior to starting the contract
  • Reviews already gathered credentials from recruiter to see if they need anything else from the candidate
  • Assigns candidate’s testing and hiring edocs
  • Runs background check, sets up drug screen, TB, and other immunizations as needed from the facility


Home sweet home! The housing coordinator is your hospitality guru. She’ll find various housing options based on your needs, wants, and budget. Our goal is to make sure you’re happy and confident with your new living arrangements. After all, this will be your new home for the next 13 weeks.

Housing Coordinator for travel contracts

Here are some of the housing coordinator’s responsibilities to secure your housing for your upcoming contract…

  • Works on housing options once the candidate signs “letter of commitment”
  • Searches for the top 5 housing options based on the candidate’s preferences and budget
  • Waits for candidate’s housing approval
  • Locks in housing, pays the deposit and solidifies move in/out information
  • Sets up cable and internet
  • Sends nurse travel welcome basket
  • The nurse receives their name badge, business cards, lanyard, and locally made cookies 🙂

All in all, you have a great team of people working hard to bring your contract to life. It takes an army to align every piece of the puzzle. But, you can rest assured that this dynamite PRN Healthcare team is on the job!