Posted February 18, 2016

There are many opportunities all throughout the USA to be a nurse. You can become a travel nurse and work/live in a different place every few months. Or you can take a permanent job, move to a new location, and stay there for the long haul. No matter where you decide to work and live, it’s important to find the right location that best suits your needs. So the question is, what are the best states for a nurse to work and live?

Every state is different when it comes to the amount of jobs available, to the amount of salary paid, to the cost of living. Knowing which areas are the best can help you determine where you might want to work and live.

Job Availability by State

The states with the lowest health care facilities versus the population are: Delaware, Nevada, Hawaii, Illinois and Texas. The states with the fewest nurses per population are: Utah, Hawaii, California, Alaska and Nevada.

Highest Hourly Salary by State

The highest hourly pay is: California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Alaska.

However, if you take into account the cost of living…

The top 5 states that have the highest hourly pay are: Texas, Michigan, Nevada, Idaho and New Mexico.

Now, if we crunch the numbers overall, and factor in cost of living, job opportunities and salary we come up with a new list…

The 5 best states to work as a nurse are: Washington, Colorado, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Texas.

Do Your Research!

After looking at this list, make sure you do not jump to conclusions about a state and the facilities there. This list is designed to give you something to think about when deciding your next opportunity. A state may be on the worst list now, however, that does not mean that you cannot find quality jobs there. You may even find your dream job there!

Also remember that opportunities for nurses continue to grow all the time. This means that these lists can change from year to year or even month to month. A state that you completely crossed off the list, might become you’re number 1 job destination. So what’s the answer to the question I asked in the title? The answer really lies in YOU. What are your needs now and in the future? Are you looking for a high salary? What are you looking for in a new home? Asking yourself these questions and more will help you determine where you would like to go.

“Oh, the places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss