Posted November 1, 2020
November Feature Nurse Photo

What Type of Nurse Are you?

I am a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse but have also been a labor and Delivery, Post-Partum, and Mother/Baby Nurse.

How Long Have You Been A Nurse?

I have been a nurse for 38 years (well it will be in May 2020).  I really don’t think I am old enough to have been a nurse that long.

Why Did You Become a Nurse?

I became a nurse anticipating that I would spend my career practicing in a third world country in Africa.  But you have heard that people plan and God laughs.

What is the most rewarding part of being a nurse?

The best part of nursing is teaching moms and dads about their new babies and watching them figure out parenting.  No parent ever plans on having a NICU baby.  It is a beautiful thing to see the parents transform from scared to confident as they learn about their baby’s condition and prognosis.  There is nothing like putting a baby into the arms of a parent for the first time even when the baby is hooked up to monitors and has tubes coming out of their bodies.  I can’t think of a better way to spend my life.