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Applying to a travel contract as a sterile processing tech is different than a permanent position. You will notice some facilities use a third-party to screen your resume, while others still call you for an interview before hiring. If your facility does conduct interviews, you’ll want to go into the interview prepared. This will help set yourself up for success and set yourself apart from other candidates. To adequately prepare for this interview, we have listed some common sterile processing tech interview questions that may be asked below.

Experience Interview Questions

  • How long have you been a practicing sterile processing technician?
  • What is your experience with local or travel contracts as a sterile processing tech?
  • If you have traveled before on contract, how did you handle the learning curve of working in a new department?
  • Can you explain the different methods of sterilization you are familiar with?
  • How do you ensure effective communication and collaboration with colleagues?
  • Can you describe any experience you have had with handling and decontaminating biohazardous materials?
  • Can you discuss any experience you have had with inventory management in sterile processing?
  • Have you worked with any specific sterilization equipment or systems? If yes, can you explain your experience with them?

Job-Specific Interview Questions

  • How do you prioritize your tasks when multiple requests for instrument sterilization come in at the same time?
  • How do you maintain accurate records of sterilization procedures and equipment maintenance?
  • Describe a situation where you encountered a problem with the sterilization process and how you resolved it.
  • How do you handle and store sterile supplies to maintain their integrity?
  • What measures do you take to prevent the spread of infections in the sterile processing department?
  • How do you handle situations when there are discrepancies or issues with equipment sterilization?
  • How do you stay updated on current industry regulations, guidelines, and best practices in sterile processing?

These sterile processing interview questions are a great place to start when preparing for your interview. Practice these interview questions with a friend or family member so you have answers to the questions and specific examples from your past experiences to reiterate with.

Questions to Ask During The Interview

A good interview should feel like a conversation, and that includes you asking questions too! Try to keep your questions short and to the point. These are some good questions to ask your interviewer to get a better idea if the position is right for you.

  • What does orientation look like for this position?
  • How many stations do you have in each area: IE: handwashing, sterilizers, decontamination, carts/set?
  • How many cases are done per day and what types?

Questions To Ask At The End of The Interview

At the end of the interview it is best to share your interest in the position with the interviewer. If interested, communicate “I think this position would be a great fit for me.” and ask one or two questions below to gauge the interviewer’s interest.

  • How soon will you be making a decision?
  • Are you considering other candidates? 
  • Do you feel I am qualified and a good fit for the position?

Good luck on your next interview! We hope these sterile processing interview questions can help prepare you for success! To view open jobs with PRN Healthcare browse here!