Nurses Week 2021: Let's Hear It For Our Nurses!

Posted May 10, 2021

We LOVE hearing from our nurses! There is nothing better than their perspective and stories. We highlighted a few of our incredible heroes in this blog post. They opened up on why they chose to be a nurse, their passion for nursing, and meaningful stories that will warm your heart. Here’s to you nurses and your selfless care! Happy Nurses Week! 

Why Did You Choose To Be a Nurse?

“I took a CNA class in high school when my dad was getting cancer treatments and I fell in love with nursing.”

Casey Faure, RN

“I felt it was God’s calling in my life.”

Lisa Miller, RN

“My mother actually had an extensive medical history and being able to see all the healthcare heroes provide her with excellent care influenced me to be able to do that one day for someone else in a vulnerable position.” 

Alex Arteaga, RN

“I love human anatomy. Also, being able to properly educate an
individual and their family is so important to me. Being able to be a part of births every day of your career is simply a miracle.” 

Vivian Erica Henry, RN

“I wanted to be a nurse my whole life.”

Heather Aland, LPN

“A passion for people, fascination with the human body, and a desire to work with low-resource communities landed me in this field with innumerable options for practical applications and growth. I love all the potential and challenges!”

Kelsey Zuppan, RN

What Makes You Most Passionate About Being a Nurse?

“At the end of my day, my goal is to leave a smile on my patient’s faces and shine a light on one of their most difficult days. My family is important to me and I would want someone to do the same for them!”

Kellie Bauske, RN, BSN

“The fact that we have to continue to do our work even amongst the toughest times we still push through because patients still need us.”

Autumn Riese, RN

“Being part of a patient’s worst day and helping them recover to see the best of where they are. The patient is at a vulnerable place in their lives and I love to be there for them to help make things a little easier. I want to make sure they are safe and get the best care during that time.” 

Sandra Reid, RN

“The dignity and respect that I have for the patients I care for. I assure that my patients are treated like family.”

Tracy Haynes, RN, BSN

“Helping others.”

Megan Calmes, RN

“My patients and their unique needs and being able to positively affect their health and lives.”

Catherine Bushnell, RN

Stories To Share

“Pre-COVID, I was working NOC shift at a nursing home. I usually worked PM shifts. One night I walked into a patient’s room. I noticed something was “off” with her. I went over to her, held her in my arms, and let her talk. She faded off and passed away in my arms. I called her daughter (who I had previously met) to inform her that her mother was now at peace, in heaven, and had passed away in my arms with no struggle or suffering. The patient’s daughter was crying but said that it gave her peace knowing that I cared for her mom like she was my own mom. I was honored because both my parents died and I try to treat every patient as if they are as special as my parents were to me.”

Mary Swope, LPN

“My favorite moments are when a resident or family tells you how much you made their day by completing a simple task; such as, simply listening to them reminiscing or providing a gentle touch to let them know you are there so they don’t startle so easily.”

Colleen Wentzel, RN

“My mother died when I was 14 years old in Nigeria. Her cause of death was never known or figured out. I was young but I felt like she deserved better care. She deserved more than she received, which makes me believe that the poor healthcare system led to her death. So, I promised to choose a profession that allows me to provide the best care to people and educate people on their health.” 

Taofik Yusuf, RN

“I’ve learned that smiles are the best medicine. You could be having a bad day and go into a patient’s room with a smile on and it could be what that person needs to get through their day and makes the day worth it.”

Jessica Aho, LPN

“I feel like nursing is one of many jobs you can always go home feeling good you helped someone.”

Ryan Franklin, LPN

“Several years ago I took care of a young girl in the ER. A few days later I received a picture that was drawn by a child. The mother had dropped it off. It was of a nurse with angel wings standing over a bed with a person laying on it. The mother stated that the sister of the child I took care of drew that picture. That was how the sister saw me. To this day that picture remains framed on my wall.”

Cassandra Doppsmith, RN