The Full Moon Chronicles

Posted October 31, 2019

October tends to be the month when you hear spooky stories, watch scary movies and purposely walk into a haunted house with the full intention of being scared out of your mind. The thrill and excitement keep us coming back year after year.  But, what if your job had a hint of the spooky and scary?! Not so thrilling then…

Living in the reality of it might not be as thrilling as the haunted house you visited last weekend.  Full moon stories from nurses seem to be commonplace.  In fact, legend has it when a full moon strikes it brings with it bizarre behavior and events.  What do we know though?!  Read these real life nurse stories to get a first hand glimpse into a hospital on a full moon…

The Ghost in the room

I arrived to work in the early morning hours during a
full moon to find several of my fellow nurses hovering
around the screen of a patient safety monitor.
“What’s going on?”, I asked.

Frightened, they informed me that there was a ghost in
the room which appeared when anyone entered.
And sure enough! As a nurse walked into the room, I saw

As I tried to ease my rising fear, I asked if there
could be another explanation, perhaps a spider near the
lens. They did not know.

A heroic resident doctor volunteered to investigate
further and found the culprit: A SINGLE HAIR!
Whenever anyone entered the room, the breeze from the
door would cause it to wiggle back and forth

In the end, the scariest part of the entire ordeal
ended up being: the bad housekeeping!

Patricia S, RN

Children! Everywhere!

One full moon night, a resident of mine was sun-downing.
She screamed out to us, “Call the police! Please, I need a

Then she cried, “There are dead children on the floor in my

She was begging us, wondering why we weren’t doing anything
to help her. After an hour of trying to calm her down we eventually just
attempted to go along with her hallucination. We tried “dragging” the children from her room, but this only made her angrier.

“What in the world are you doing?”, she exclaimed.

“Removing the children like you said,” we replied.

“But you’re grabbing at nothing! Get the kid to your right! ”

Halie U, LPN

Whether you believe in the legends of full moons or not, you cannot deny the eerie happenings from these stories.  Nurses around the world can find unity in the odd and sometimes scary events they witness during their full moon shift. If you’re easily spooked, it might be a good idea to take off on the next full moon…